19 February, 2012

118. Blue Cheer | Vincebus Eruptum (1968)

  1. Summertime Blues
  2. Rock Me Baby
  3. Doctor Please
  4. Out of Focus
  5. Parchment Farm
  6. Second Time Around

Vincebus Eruptum is a loud album. The songs are rock and roll, but they are louder and noisier.

There is something new going on her, but it's not what it may seem initially. Certainly, there have been bands that have been loud and noisy—the Monks, the Sonics, the Velvet Underground and the Jimi Hendrix Experience come to mind. It would seem that for those bands, loudness and noisiness were not ends in themselves. With Blue Cheer however, their sole purpose is to be loud and noisy.

Dickie Peterson, the bassist and lead singer of Blue Cheer, is quoted in 1001 Albums as saying rock and roll is 10 percent technique and 90 percent attitude. With this album, Blue Cheer has put that observation into practice and it's that observation which makes this album innovative.

I really enjoyed this album. However, the songs did sound a little too similar. Fortunately, the album isn't very long. The stand out songs are Summertime Blues, Rock Me Baby and Parchment Farm.


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