20 March, 2012

137. Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band | Trout Mask Replica (1969)

  1. Frownland
  2. The Dust Blows Forward 'n the Dust Blows Back
  3. Dachau Blues
  4. Ella Guru
  5. Hair Pie: Bake 1
  6. Moonlight on Vermont
  7. Pachuco Cadaver
  8. Bills Corpse
  9. Sweet Sweet Bulbs
  10. Neon Meate Dream of a Octafish
  11. China Pig
  12. My Human Gets Me Blues
  13. Dali's Car
  14. Hair Pie: Bake 2
  15. Pena
  16. Well
  17. When Big Joan Sets Up
  18. Fallin' Ditch
  19. Sugar 'n Spikes
  20. Ant Man Bee
  21. Orange Claw Hammer
  22. Wild Life
  23. She's Too Much for My Mirror
  24. Hobo Chang Ba
  25. The Blimp (mousetrapreplica)
  26. Steal Softly thru Snow
  27. Old Fart at Play
  28. Veteran's Day Poppy

Trout Mask Replica is an incomprehensible album. It's the insane man's "White Album". Most of the songs are based on the blues—a crazed mutation of the blues. The lyrics are impenetrable, perhaps incomprehensible, but at least they are grammatical.

Listen to this album once and it's a noisy mess. However, after some finite number of listenings, the melody and rhythm will reveal themselves and it will suddenly become a masterpiece. I had to listen to it five times for it to happen to me.

I highly recommend this album. This album is essential to own for any music collection to be taken seriously. Every song is worth listening to, but the truly exceptional songs are: Frownland, Dachau Blues, Ella Guru, Moonlight on Vermont, Pachuco Cadaver, Sweet Sweet Bulbs, Neon Meate Dream of a Octafish, China Pig, My Human Gets Me Blues, Well, Sugar 'n Spikes, Ant Man Bee, Orange Claw Hammer, Wild Life, Hobo Chang Ba, Old Fart at Play, Veteran's Day Poppy.


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