- Speed King
- Bloodsucker
- Child in Time
- Flight of the Rat
- Into the Fire
- Living Wreck
- Hard Lovin' Man
Deep Purple In Rock is a hyperactive album. The music is heavy metal. Deep Purple's brand of heavy demonstrates a third kind of heavy metal emerging in the late Sixties and early Seventies. Black Sabbath has their own distinct brand which is slow, brooding and works off a groove. Led Zeppelin's brand is riff-based and thunderous. Deep Purple is also loud but, what makes them distinct is the extremely fast guitar playing and their music flirts with prog rock; in some ways, it's just hard rock on speed.
I do think Deep Purple's heavy metal is the least interesting of the three. They do rock and the speed is blazing, but it seems very detached and clinical. It could be the singer. Ozzy and Robert Plant are charismatic, but Ian Gillan doesn't come off being as charismatic. If it's not that then it could either be the lyrics or the production.
I do think this album is worth listening to and it certainly does deserve being on the 1001 Albums list. And while it might be an album to rock out to now and then, Sabbath and Zeppelin seem more desirable.
Most of the songs are quite good. The stand outs are: Speed King, Child in Time, Into the Fire and Hard Lovin' Man.
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