08 June, 2013

262. Nick Drake | Pink Moon (1972)

  1. Pink Moon
  2. Place to Be
  3. Road
  4. Which Will
  5. Horn
  6. Things Behind the Sun
  7. Know
  8. Parasite
  9. Free Ride
  10. Harvest Breed
  11. From the Morning

Pink Moon is a melancholy album. The music is folk. It's Nick Drake singing and playing guitar.

Nick Drake sings in monotone and with little energy. In almost every song he alludes to death. Place to Be makes it clear he doesn't expect to live a full life and other songs seem to contain anger or loathing. It's a very dark set of lyrics. This music is beautiful, though and combined with the dark lyrics, the album is quite haunting.

It was a great loss to the music world that Nick Drake ended his life after this album. There were very few good quality singer-songwriters in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Nick Drake was one of the best despite only producing three albums' worth of songs.

Not that it would have made a lick of difference though if he had lived and continued to make music. Nothing short of divine intervention would have stemmed the tide of awful singer-songwriters that were to plague the music world from the 1970s onward.

I really enjoy this album, even though there seems to be something improper about enjoying the product of someone's pain. I do think it's worth listening to and should be a part of any serious music collection. This album should be on the 1001 Albums list as an example of what a good singer-songwriter is.

All the songs are outstanding.


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